@extends('layouts.app') @section('content')

Logo & document templates Tailor the presentation of documents you print or send.

Choose Template
Select the layout for your documents.
@php $template_type = ""; $template_value = ""; $paper_theme = ""; $primary_color = ""; $secondary_color = ""; if($logo_document){ $template_value = $logo_document->choose_template; $paper_theme = $logo_document->paper_field_settings; $primary_color = $logo_document->primary_color; $secondary_color = $logo_document->secondary_color; if($logo_document->template_type == "Product Based"){ $template_type = "Product Based"; }else{ $template_type = "Service Based"; } } @endphp
Product Based Shows products codes, quantities and unit prices.
Service Based Provide space for large descriptive text, with a tax rate and amount per line.

Paper Form Settings
Select paper type your are using for printing your documents.
Plain Paper - A4 Prints Company logo and address on top of the invoice
Letter Head - A4 Prints only invoice content, leaves top address blank

Company Logo
Add a business logo that represents your business. Logos can be a maximum of 1mb in size. JPG or PNG formats. Recommended size 512 x 300 pixels.

Other Images
Add secondary images i.e. for footer image with accreditations or trade memberships or company name in a specific design. Images can be maximum of 2 mb in size. JPG or PNG formats.

Theme Color
Select primary and secondary accent colors for your documents
Select primary color This color will be used for background highlights.
Select secondary color This color will be used for titles and lines.

@endsection('content') @section('admin_css') @stop @section('admin_js') @include('admin.js.logo-document') @stop