@extends('layouts.app') @section('content')

View Product

View your product details.

General Details

What all are the general information about your new product?

Add product name, supplier info, tags, product description and images for your
new product in this section.

@foreach($data["brand"] as $key => $value) @if($data['product_details']['product_brand_id'] == $key) {{$value}} @endif @endforeach
@foreach($data["category"] as $key => $value) @if($data['product_details']['product_category_id'] == $key) {{$value}} @endif @endforeach
@foreach($tags as $_tags) @foreach($data["category"] as $key => $value) @endforeach @if(isset($tag_value))
{{ $tag_value }}
@endif @endforeach
@if($data['product_details']["sale_on_pos"] ==1) ON @else OFF @endif
@if($data['product_details']["sale_on_emenu"] ==1) ON @else OFF @endif
@if($data['product_details']["sale_on_portal"] ==1) ON @else OFF @endif
has('product_images')) echo 'style = "display:none;" ' @endphp>
@if(session()->has('product_images')) @foreach(session()->get('product_images') as $key => $value)
@endforeach @endif
@if($data['product_details']['kot'] != NULL) @foreach($kot_ids as $_kot_ids) @if($_kot_ids != '') @foreach($data['kot'] as $key=>$value) @endforeach
@endif @endforeach @endif

Inventory Information

How you want to store, list track and sell your new product?

You can set product supply details, suppliers, selling channels, supply & sales
details in this section

@if($data['product_details']['product_type']==1) Standard product @elseif($data['product_details']['product_type']==2) Variant Product @else Composite Product @endif

@foreach($data["supplier"] as $key => $value) @if($data['product_details']['supplier_id'] == $key) {{$value}} @endif @endforeach


@php $purchase_vat_arr = explode(",",$data['product_details']['purchase_vat']); @endphp @foreach($data['purchase_vat'] as $key=>$value) @foreach($purchase_vat_arr as $_purchase_vat_arr) @if($_purchase_vat_arr == $key) {{$value}} @endif @endforeach @endforeach



@php $sales_vat_arr = explode(",",$data['product_details']['salse_vat']); @endphp @foreach($data['sales_vat'] as $key=>$value) @foreach($sales_vat_arr as $_sales_vat_arr) @if($_sales_vat_arr == $key) {{$value}} @endif @endforeach @endforeach


Custom Modifiers

What are customization you offer for this product?

You can select modifiers from predefined list which is applicable for the product.

--}} {{--
--}} {{-- --}} {{--
--}} {{--
--}} {{--
--}} {{--
--}} {{-- --}} {{-- --}} {{--
--}} {{--
--}} {{--
--}} {{--
--}} {{-- --}} {{-- --}} {{--
--}} {{--
--}} {{--
--}} {{-- --}} {{--
@foreach($data['product_modifiers'] as $mod) @foreach($data["modifier"] as $key => $value) @if($mod['modifier_id'] == $key)
{{$value}}({{$price_type}} {{$mod['price']}})
@endif @endforeach @endforeach
@endsection @section('admin_css') @stop @section('admin_js') @include('admin.js.product-view') @stop