@extends('layouts.app') @section('content')
Fiscal year settings
Fiscal year & Tax settings
Setup financial year and business taxes for your organization in Salesoft Resto
Fiscal Year
What decimal points you need to use on your documents and reports?
Changes will be reflected across all linked Salesoft applications.
Financial year start
@foreach($financial_year_start as $financial_year=>$key)
financial_year_start_id == $key)?'selected="selected"' : '':''}}>{{ $financial_year }}
Lock in days after year end
@foreach($lock_in_days_after_year_end as $lock_in_day=>$key)
lock_in_days_after_year_end_id == $key)?'selected="selected"' : '':''}}>{{ $lock_in_day }}
Tax Settings
You can set salesoft to round customer document values. To do this, choose the type of rounding you wish to use and then specify the amount to round to.
The value you are entering here is the number of cents (fils or paisa).
Tax ID
Tax ID display name
Tax filing frequency
@foreach($tax_filling_frequency as $tax_filling=>$key)
tax_filling_frequency_id == $key)?'selected="selected"' : '':''}}>{{ $tax_filling }}
Tax Defaults
You can set salesoft to round customer document values. To do this, choose the type of rounding you wish to use and then specify the amount to round to.
The value you are entering here is the number of cents (fils or paisa).
For sales
@foreach($for_sales as $for_sale=>$key)
for_sales_id == $key)?'selected="selected"' : '':''}}>{{ $for_sale }}
For purchases
@foreach($for_purchases as $for_purchase=>$key)
for_purchases_id == $key)?'selected="selected"' : '':''}}>{{ $for_purchase }}
@endsection('content') @section('admin_css')
@stop @section('admin_js') @include('admin.js.fiscal-year-tax-settings') @stop